During class today I got really excited to start reading the next novel on the syllabus and planned on starting it as soon as I got back to my flat. This sense of motivation, however, was fleeting and on the way back I changed my plans entirely. I’m attributing this unscholarly attitude to London’s beautiful weather….I don’t understand the bad rep for rainy, overcast days- today was another magnificent day. I mean really perfect. So, in compliance with my usual “laidback” work ethic, I thought it would be best to walk around the city instead of read. And I promptly left my book-filled flat and headed out. About an hour into wandering around Hyde Park I decided the hell with nature—bring on the shopping. And I did just that. Enter Harrods. I must admit, I agree with their horribly cheesy slogan, “At Harrods, truly anything is possible”. This is true on several levels- namely it is possible to buy an £11 ice cream sundae. For those of you who cannot do the conversion- that is $22 dollars. I was angry. How dare they charge such an exorbitant amount for ice, sugar and cream with the occasional splash of mint, strawberry or pistachio! I bitterly walked past the gelato stand that seemed to reinforce the negative image that the British economy presents. Yet as I walked past, the gelato man called out to me, “Come, try! Come- I give you samples!” Well, that was music to my ears! I love samples! Giving him my prize winning, straight toothed, American smile, I asked him which one he liked. He suggested the tiramisu and then deftly spooned up a taste. It was heavenly. I gushed. Enthused by my praise, he offered me another sample. Again I accepted. With one swoop of the wrist he produced a sample of chocolate biscuit. It was even better! My smile got even wider. As a bonafide foodie I give off an aura of appreciation whenever I try something magical and I do believe he recognized that in me. The samples continued. After I had sampled pistachio, tiramisu, raspberry, chocolate biscuit, heath, Carmel and banana I became a little embarrassed. It suddenly dawned on me that I had been in front of the gelato stand for over ten minuets chatting up this man and I hadn’t purchased anything. It was time to leave. I thanked him profusely for his generosity and headed back into the land of over overpriced merchandise. Here’s lookin’ at you, Gelato man.
Ps-Unfortunately, everything in this blog is 100% true.
november 22nd. me. you. 22 dollar sundae.
Glad that all that expensive ortho paid off!
not suprised AT ALL
was he as cool a vendor as "guy"..doubtful (according to jordan im sure)
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