Two days ago marks my one-month anniversary living in London! This month passed very quickly and despite my most valiant efforts to see that blasted glass half full- it’s not working! (Yes, this is the cliché and obvious metaphor for my stay here) Anyways, this is the “anniversary special” post so it deserves a special and overly used, trite line!
Last night I saw the Sophocles’ play, “Antigone” at the Barbican Theater. Even though I now consider myself a seasoned theater attendee, nothing, I repeat nothing, could have prepared me for what I saw. There was no space between the stage where the actors were “acting” and the audience. I knew I was in trouble when I saw this- I’m prone to the giggles. And oh, do I know myself well because at random points throughout the play the ensemble broke out into little dances and songs to mimic an ancient Greek chorus. And I conveniently broke out into laughter while they did this. Mind you, it wasn’t rude or loud laughter, just a quiet, internal laugh that I shared with myself. I felt so bad for these people! Can you imagine?! Break through role at the Barbican… minstrel who does an Irish jig while blowing the shofar? It was hysterical. They were wearing togas and blowing rams horns. I see a long run for this one. Not. Interesting play….
Things have been pretty much status quo over here. Class, walking around, frozen dinner, etc. In an effort to really shake things up here are the trips that I’m going on:
1. Prague, Budapest & Vienna
2. Paris
3. Stratford/Warwick & Oxford
4. Lucerne, Switzerland
5. Tuscany
ps- these pictures arre kinda random. Little A-Dam & L town.
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