My sincerest apologies for being slightly absent for these past three days… but in my defense, I only feel the need to blog when something really unique happens. I know I’m jaded (seeing as I’ve been in London almost a month now) but I don’t think walking around Buckingham Palace, St. James’ park or relaxing in Trafalgar Square necessarily merits a posting. However, I guess I can entertain you, mere Americans, with some interesting tidbits from my travels.
Today is the first overcast, slightly rainy day we’ve had and strangely, I couldn’t be happier! It has been so beautiful and warm here that I feel guilty staying inside so I’ve been walking everywhere and trying to take in as many sights as possible. But thanks to the weather- I now have an excuse to relax at home, catch up on my blogs, homework and emails.
Looking back on my walks around the city, it is so crazy that walking past a palace doesn’t faze me anymore! By no means am I alluding to the fact that I don’t appreciate seeing them, they just feel part of my routine. Sometimes I have to remind myself how weird it is that I’m actually in London. I’ve been looking forward to and planning to go abroad for so long that now that I’m actually here it feels very surreal. On my way to get groceries I pass buildings built before America became a country. The amount of history here is absurd. You can’t walk down a street without passing some sort of historical landmark, building or monument.
Yesterday, sitting on the steps of Trafalgar Square, trying to take in the city around me, I became anxious about how quickly my time here is passing. I’m already ¼ of the way done with my stay and I don’t know where it has all gone. There is still so much I want to do and I’m worried I can’t fit it all in. I know it is impossible to even attempt, so my goal is just to do and appreciate as much as I can everyday. Cheesy, yes, but living in London has really changed my perspective regarding a lot of things. I’m so grateful to be here and so in love with British culture that I cant help but worry about my own expiration date here. I know I’m leaving in three months and that concept, for me, is scarier than my experience jammed under that Indian man’s armpit in the tube. That’s the whole point! When I’m home the crazy adventures will stop, new stories to share or places to discover will most likely die out as well.
Anyways, tomorrow I’m leaving for Amsterdam. I will be back Sunday afternoon- expect a full write up on Van Gough paintings, delicious pancakes, wooden shoes and disgusting hostel experiences.
ps- toblerone fruit and nut is the nectar of the gods. The bus isnt so random now... is it?
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