Yesterday our class went on an overnight trip to Bath, a small spa town three hours outside of London and then to Stonehenge. Bath is an amazing town full of old houses, abbeys and castles built in the 1700’s. What really makes Bath unique though, is its hot springs. The Romans originally built structures there as a spa town and then decades after the Romans left England, the British started utilizing the hot springs too. We had a guided tour of the city by an old man who looked like he was around when the Romans were still dippin’ in the hot springs. We were all expecting this horribly boring, dry tour of the city but on the contrary- he was very lively and hysterically funny! During our two hour walking tour he pointed out various buildings that are important to Bath’s history. After each building we passed he asked us if we had any questions- we never did… except for one structure. Midway through the tour we passed a beautiful garden and our guide explained that ladies in the 1700’s used it as an “excretion ground”. I’m pretty sure all of our jaws dropped but then the questions started flying. Was there toilet paper? Did the doodie just sit there? Did they doodie while walking? Could people see them doodie? Was it socialy acceptable to doodie in public? Etc. I mean, we are all twenty and supposedly bright people but we couldn’t stop cracking up. I think we stayed in front of the doodie garden for 5 minuets pelting our guide with questions. At the end of the tour, our guide suggested that we take advantage of out the newly built spa in the center of the city. The spa uses the water that comes up from the ground but it fills into a modern looking swimming pool. For only £12 you can use their pools, steam rooms and aromatherapy chambers and float around in the water that they claim has over 43 minerals in it. We were all so excited to jump right into the bubbling pools but… none of us had bathing suits! Crisis averted though…. There was a discount department store around the corner where we all picked out ridiculous suits for under £5! In the end, only Noah, Justin, Brendan, the Professor/ his fiancé and I decided to use it- it was like our own private spa! So much fun. Post dip, we went to Sally Lunn’s Buns, a very famous bun bakeshop, for some afternoon tea. Just livin’ the dream.
We woke up early the next morning to go to Stonehenge. I would love to say it was fantastic… but the aura of seeing the Neolithic rocks was pretty much ruined by the hoards of tourists swarming the place. It felt sort of like a Disney World for rocks and geology. It was still cool to see it...
1 comment:
how come no pictures of you in a five pound suit?!
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