I’m a boat person. Ever since I was little I remember being on my Grandfather’s boat, The Gusto, and absolutely loving it. So, when my professor informed us that we were going to be taking a cruise down the Thames River I was ecstatic. The weather was beautiful- a perfect, crisp English kinda day. I wore a light sweater, but being a seasoned sailor I threw in a scarf knowing how the wind can pick up on the water. However, as soon as we boarded our vessel the weather turned. And do I mean turned. The sky became completely overcast and started to mist. I do believe I experienced my first “English Fog”. It was miserable. My class and I were huddled together on the wooden plank seating, cursing the cold and the useless, touristy information the captain was pointing out to us along the way. It was ridiculous! Shamefully, I admit I wore my scarf like a turban with a connecting nose guard to help block out the cold. The 45 minute boat ride was 45 minutes too long but we made the best of it by making fun of all the people who “actually paid” to be here. Jolly fun.
Tonight I just came back from seeing, “Rhinoceros” a play written by Eugene Ionesco. Sparknotes version of the play: everybody in the entire town turns into a rhino except one guy (sorry if you’re coming to London to see this). Then a man got naked. Full frontal naked. And started running around onstage pretending to be a rhino. I’m not sure how I feel about all of this, needless to say it was entertaining. God bless the theater. This too was jolly fun.
Great photo of the London Eye -- how did you get the birds to pose for you????
we're totally seeing that when i come. that and dirty dancing. duh.
ps. i literally spit out the water i was drinking when i read your spark notes synopsis. sounds like a captivating plot. although i guess anything's captivating with that type of exposure.
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