Too much curried goat and Red Stripe means only one thing—the Notting Hill Caribbean Carnival! The Carnival is the world’s second largest street party (Europe’s biggest) and this year over 100,000 people came!! It was pretty much the most out of control thing I have ever witnessed! There were people dancing in the streets and drinking Red Stripe like it was water! Being the shameless, American tourists that we are- we obviously joined them. Noah, Brendan and I got swept up into the crowd and found ourselves in the parade down Portabella Street behind some pretty fantastic dance troupes! Tuckered out from all the dancing, we decided it was time to try the local food! We sampled a bunch of random things like curried goat, jerk chicken, rice, peas and beans and plantains. The chicken was delicious but I think it will be the first and last time I will ever eat curried goat ….
We were at the carnival for three hours before we had to run to our orientation meeting at our professor’s house. Navigating through the tube with all the partiers was very entertaining.
one of the greatest days ever.
Hi Brookie!
Your blogs are fantastic!! (and you write SO WELL, it's so enjoyable to read each posting)...
I'm going to write more to you later...(can I just write to you at your old Colgate address??) but for now I just wanted to say "Cheerio" and let you know I'm thinking of you with much love!
Keep having lots of fun, and don't forget to go to school, too!!
ps...this is your Auntie, the anonymous birthday girl...I forgot to sign the note!
Brooke - Thanks for keeping us up to date on where you are and what you're doing! Post some photos of your flat - I'd like to see what it looks like (before it gets too messy!!!) LOVE you and MISS you soooooo much~ Momsy
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